The following documents are included to assist agencies that seek to replicate the 8% Early Intervention Program. The first (Standard Assessment - Risk Verification Criteria/Guidelines) is used by juvenile intake officers at the Orange County Probation Department to evaluate juveniles accused of criminal offenses and determine if they fit the...
The Orange County Probation Department has been an official Juvenile Detention Alternatives Initiative (JDAI) since 2009. JDAI is a project of the Annie E. Casey Foundation , a philanthropy organization dedicated to improving the lives children, families, and communities throughout the United States. JDAI is a change model that focuses...
Do you know someone on probation who is currently involved in criminal activity? Let us know! Call The Probation Violator Hotline 1 (888) 296-3389 The identity of persons who report information will be kept confidential. Drug dealers, domestic violence offenders, sex offenders and weapons offenders need constant supervision. We need...
Youth between the ages of 12 and 18, alleged to have committed a crime, are typically processed through the Juvenile Justice System. This can be an especially stressful and emotional experience for youth and their families. The court process moves very quickly and can be confusing and overwhelming at times...
Youth & Family Resource Center 45-Day Case Review Entire team meets to staff case and agree on priorities for case. Tentative case plan agreed on with goals for minor/family. Service plan done and signed. Family Case Review Within one week of 45-day review, schedule meeting with minor, parents, probation officer...
Please contact us during normal business hours. If this is an emergency, call 9-1-1. Public Victim Services: (714) 347-8000 Email Us: Mailing Address: P.O. Box 11486, Santa Ana, CA 92711-0260 Call the Probation Violator Hotline to report someone on probation who is currently involved in criminal activity at 1(888)...
Exploratory Research Findings and Implications for Problem Solutions Executive Summary Note: This Executive Summary was prepared in March 1994 by Gwen A. Kurz and Louis E. Moore of the Orange County Probation Department to facilitate the distribution of the results of the Probation Department's studies on chronic juvenile offender recidivism...
OC Probation "ZERO" tolerance policy against sexual misconduct within juvenile facilities: The Orange County Probation Department has a zero-tolerance policy regarding sexual assault, sexual abuse and sexual harassment. Residents of probation facilities, individuals under probation supervision, probation staff, volunteers and collaborative partners have a right to an environment that is...
The California Victims’ Bill of Rights of 2008: Marsy’s Law, provides victims of crime with certain rights and due process. Victims’ Bill of Rights: Marsy’s Law
The Orange County Probation Department is committed to assisting victims of crime as part of its core mission. Victim Services is committed to serving victims of crime impacted by the offenders who are under the jurisdiction of the Orange County Probation Department. The Victim Services Unit communicates directly with victims...